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(EEAR 2016/2017 ) - QUESTÃO

Read the text and answer question
An aeroplane was forced to circle for more than half an hour after an air traffic controller dozed off. The pilot of the cargo plane said he attempted a number of times to contact the controller for permission to land – but got no answer. 
 He was forced to circle Nice Airport in France until the sleepy controller was woken up by security officials more than 30 minutes later. French air traffic control service   DGAC described the case as ‘extremely rare’ and the cargo plane ‘ had never been in difficulty’. 
 An  internal investigation has now been set up to discover why the controller fell asleep on the job. 
(Adapted from 
Dozed off: adormeceu 

According to the text, all the alternatives are true, except: 
a) the air traffic controller in charge of the control slept on the job. 
b) the pilot had to fly around the airport because he didn’t get permission to land. 
c) although the plane waited more than 30 minutes to land, it wasn’t in difficulty. 
d) there will be na internal investigation to establish the reason why the air traffic controller fell asleep. 

A alternativa traz o tempo verbal no futuro, e segundo o texto, a investigação já está em andamento. 

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