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(EEAR 2016/2017 ) - QUESTÃO

Summer Wine 
Hot-weather drinking requires its own genre of wines: light, easygoing, blithe and, above all, refreshing. These sorts of wines are enjoyable year-round, but in the sweaty summer months, the desirable becomes the imperative.
It’s not a question of red or white or even pink. All are good as long as they come in the proper summer weight. Just as winter wools are stored away, so are enervating heavy wines that weigh you down, rather than pep you up.
These summery wines are especially appealing when the price is equally untaxing. I’ve long asserted that the gratest values in wines are in the $15 to $25 range.
(Adapted from 
Winter wools: cobertor de inverno 
to Pep up: animar 

The word “appealing”, in the text, is a(an)
a) verb
b) noun
c) adverb
d) adjective

Appealing aparece depois de um verbo de ligação exercendo função adjetiva 

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