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(EEAR 2016/2017 ) - QUESTÃO

Read the text and answer to question.

  1. A couch potato is a person who spends leisure time passively  or idly siting around, especially watching TV.  They don’t get involved in any kind of strenuous exersice. As a matter of facts, they can’t stand any kind of physical activity. 
  2. What’s more, they rarely eat healthy, nourishing food;  they’d rather have hamburgers, fires, soft drinks and that kind  of stuff. 
(taken from http:inglesnapontadalingua) 

strenuous: fatigante nourishing 
food: comida nutritiva 

Based on the text, couch potato is a person
a) Addicted to the internet
b) that loves eating healthy food.
c) that loves doing exhaustive exercise.
d) that spends a lot of time sitting down and not moving or exercising very much.

De acordo com o texto, “A person who spends leisure time passively. As a matter of fact, they can’t stand any kind of physical activity) 

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