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(EEAR 2016/2017 ) - QUESTÃO

Read the text and answer question.
A pilot from Nothwest Airlines flight was less than pleased with the food which was to be served on the flight. He decided to find some better food, so he left his aeroplane, and then left the airport to find food even though he had a plane to fly. The passengers were left to wait 90 minutes until the pilot came back and when the pilot came back he was fired on the spot for “abandoning his plane”. 
(adapted from 
According to the text, all the alternatives are true, except: 
a) the pilot wasn’t satisfied with the food on board. 
b) the pilot searched for a better food out of the airport. 
c) when the pilot returned to the plane, he was immediately fired. 
d) the alleged reason for losing his job was dissatisfaction with the airlaine food. 

Ele foi demitido por abandonar a aeronave 

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