According to the text, we can say that
a) Travis Ludlow has a World Record for being the youngest
person to fly around the world by himself.
b) Mack Rutherford thinks that becoming the youngest person
to do something is a risky dream.
c) Mack Rutherford is studying to become a pilot when he
turns 16.
d) Travis was inspired by Mack to fly around the world.
Segundo o texto, Travis Ludlow tem um recorde mundial por ser a pessoa mais jovem a voar sozinho ao redor do mundo.
Teenage pilot lands in Kenya amid record-setting flight attempt
A 16-year-old schoolboy who is on a quest to become the youngest person to fly around the world solo, landed his small plane in Kenya’s capital, Nairobi, on Wednesday. Mack Rutherford, who has British and Belgian nationality, started his journey near the Bulgarian capital Sofia in March and is looking to clinch a Guinness World record currently held by compatriot Travis Ludlow, who ______ 18 when he completed a circumnavigation last year. “I’m hoping, with this journey, to inspire young people to follow their dreams,” Rutherford said after clambering out of his two-seater single prop ultralight aircraft, at Wilson Airport.
Adapted from youngest-pilot/index.html.
Piloto adolescente pousa no Quênia em meio a tentativa de voo recorde
Um estudante de 16 anos que busca se tornar a pessoa mais jovem a voar sozinho ao redor do mundo, pousou seu pequeno avião na capital do Quênia, Nairóbi, na quarta-feira. Mack Rutherford, que tem nacionalidade britânica e belga, iniciou sua jornada perto da capital búlgara, Sófia, em março e busca conquistar o recorde mundial do Guinness, atualmente detido pelo compatriota Travis Ludlow, que ______ 18 anos quando completou uma circunavegação no ano passado. “Espero, com esta jornada, inspirar os jovens a seguirem os seus sonhos”, disse Rutherford depois de descer do seu avião ultraleve de dois lugares e de hélice única, no Aeroporto Wilson.
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